Japanese Academy of Gainesville


Japanese Academy of Gainesville (JAG) ゲインズビル日本語アカデミーは、子供たちが安全で楽しく、日本語と日本文化を楽しく学べるようにしたいという思いから、保護者のみんなで協力して立ち上げたグループです。学習方法は読み、書き、話すことをメインに、さらに音楽、芸術、社会見学、お祝い事に参加したりしていろいろな方向性からアプローチしています。

通常、土曜日の午前 10 時から午後 12 時まで、クリークサイド コミュニティ チャーチ (2640 NW 39th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32605) にあるユース センター スペースでクラスを行っています。また、社会見学として、定期的にゲインズビル周辺のさまざまなイベントに参加しています。フェイスブックのグループでクラスの情報やイベントの場所を随時更新しておりますので、ぜひグループへ参加してください。(Facebook Pageへ行くには本ページ上部のオレンジ色のFacebook Pageボタンをおしてください。)


Japanese Academy of Gainesville (JAG) ゲインズビル日本語アカデミー group is for caregivers who want their children to enjoy learning the Japanese language and culture in a safe, fun, and family-friendly environment. We accomplish this by learning through reading, writing, speaking, music, art, field trips, holiday celebrations, and discussing general themes.

We typically meet on Saturdays from 10AM to 12PM at the Youth Center Space located in Creekside Community Church (2640 NW 39th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32605). We also plan to meet up in different locations around Gainesville as a field trip.
About Us  imageAbout Us  image


Our mission is for our children to learn the Japanese language and culture in a safe, fun, and family-friendly environment. We want to aid families to continue passing on the Japanese language and tradition for the future generation.

10:00 AM 集合、リトミッククラス開始
10:30 AM ラジオ体操開始
10:40 AM 全体レッスン開始
11:00 AM 少人数のグループレッスン開始: 生徒はグループに分かれ、活動を交代で行います。
11:00 AM ローテーション #1
11:20 AM ローテーション #2
11:40 AM ローテーション #3
12:00 PM お片付け

Our Typical Agenda:
10:00 AM Gather for Rhythmic Class Begin
10:30 AM Begin Radio Exercise
10: 40 AM Begin Large Group Lesson
Begin Small Group Lessons
11:00 AM Rotation #1
11:20 AM Rotation #2
11:40 AM Rotation #3
12:00 PM Clean Up
レッスンの流れ Our Lessons image
JAGのレッスンはクリークサイド協会のユースセンタースペースをお借りしています。 クラスの場所はメインの教会ではなく、教会から駐車場へ向かってもう少し進んだ右手にある建物になります。こちらの写真で赤丸で囲んである場所です。レッスン後は青丸で囲んであるSpringtree Park で遊んだりしています。毎週土曜日の朝10時から午後の12時ごろまでです。現在、レッスンは無料ですのでぜひ遊びに来てみてね!   
10:00am- 12:00pm
Creekside Community Church (2640 NW 39th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32605)

クラスの場所 Classroom image

ご希望の家族は、いつでも気軽にすべてのイベントに参加することができます。しかしながら、子供たちや先生のスケジュールを一貫させるためにも、できれば毎週 (または決まったペースで)参加していただけると嬉しいです。定期的に出席することにより言語の習得が促進され、子供達が心地よく参加できるようになると考えています。先生が事前に十分な資料を準備できるように、参加希望者はFacebook のJAGのページにおいて参加ボタン(going)をクリックしてください。(Facebook Pageへ行くには本ページ上部のオレンジ色のFacebook Pageボタンをおしてください。)Facebookをお持ちでない方は、参加ボタンを押せなくてもかまいませんのでぜひお気軽に直接お越しください。

また出席する場合、安全の都合上、少なくとも 1 人の保護者に来ていただき、ご自身のお子様を見ていただけるようにお願いしております。


Families have a choice to attend all events at their comfort and choice. However we do recommend that your child(ren) attend ideally weekly or at least on a consistent schedule. We believe that regular attendance increases learning the language and builds relationships between the families quicker. If you choose to attend an event, please respond to each event so the instructors can prepare materials accordingly. When attending, it is expected that at least one responsible grown-up is assigned to stay and supervise your child(ren) at the facility the entire time. We encourage all participants to speak Japanese to the best of their abilities and as much as possible. This is so our children get used to hearing Japanese commonly and frequently. However, as many of our children are still learning the language there will be several occasions where English translation will be provided throughout the instruction to enhance comprehension for the students.

誰でも参加できますか? Can anyone join?

日本語を学びたいお子様は誰でも参加することができます。保護者の方もご一緒にいらしてください。Any children who want to learn Japanese is welcome. Please make sure to have at least one guardian.

日本語のレベルは? level of Japanese?

日本語の理解がまだ難しい子から、しっかり話せる子まで色々なレベルの子供たちが学びにきています。From very beginner to advanced, we have children with a broad range of Japanese levels. 

参加費用はかかりますか? Does it cost?

現在、参加は無料となっています。ボランティアやクラス用品の寄付などはいつでも受け付けております。Participation is free. Donations and volunteers are always welcome.

何歳ぐらいが対象? What's the age range?

現在年齢の制限は設けておりませんが、レッスン内容は幼児、小学生向けとなっています。We currently do not have an age limitation; however, our current lesson contents are more for preschool to elementary school children. 

Suki Wise


Atsuko "Suki" Wise was born and raised in Miami, FL where she attended and graduated from Miami Hoshuko. She also earned her Bachelors in Psychology with Japanese Minor and earned her Masters in Education and Specialist Degree in School Counseling in Guidance all from the University of Florida. Mrs. Wise has experience working in middle and elementary school settings as a school counselor within Levy and Alachua county. She believes in the importance of learning through play and kindness. She wishes for her two children to have lots of friends and become bilingual in Japanese and English.

Athena De La Cruz


under construction

Natsuko Ejiri

Music Teacher

Natsuko has been teaching piano since 2002. She served on the faculty of the Merit School of Music, Fort Worth Youth Orchestra Suzuki Program, and Suzuki Music Institute of Dallas (SMID). Natsuko believes that studying music has many benefits including building self-esteem, confidence, focus and more. Her teaching goal is to improve the lives of her students through the process of learning music.

Yuno Bounds


Yuno focused on art-integrated learning and STEAM education during her Master’s degree from the University of Florida. She served as an education technician at CYTP (Children, Youth and Teen Programs) for years. She believes in children’s innate desire of learning and focuses on their intrinsic motivation. Yuno facilitates children’s learning based on their interests, and wishes for them to become lifelong-learners.


June 2022

Athena and Suki began this group in June 2022 and started to meet weekly as a Japanese Playgroup. We would change locations to different park playgrounds to spread the word and find convenient locations for the families interested. We had named the group Japanese Language & Culture Learning Association (JLCLA) Gainesville. Soon we started to grow with Yuno and Natsuko contributing to planning the lesson content.


February 2023

We were able to join a partnership with the Creekside Community Church to rent an indoor space with tables, chairs, kitchen, and bathrooms. Since they are also located so close to Springtree Park, often when lessons are over the kids play in the playground from 12:00-12:30 PM.


March 2023

We voted to rename our group to Japanese Academy of Gainesville (JAG) and decided on board members. Thanks to Kotaro's hard work, Tomy has contributed to a generous donation to fund our lesson materials.


Suki Wise


Athena De La Cruz

Vice President

Natsuko Ejiri


Yuno Bounds

Art/ Historian

Kotaro Fujii


J. B


  • 2640 Northwest 39th Avenue, ゲインズビル フロリダ州 アメリカ合衆国

メールの返信には数日以上かかる場合がございます。ぜひ土曜日の朝10時から昼12時の間に直接お越しください。 Please note that It may take a few days for us to reach back to you. We encourage you to visit us in person on Saturdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.